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Key Principles

Seven Key Principles were identified that show the fundamental commonalities across each of the culturally responsive and equity-focused evaluation philosophies and approaches. The Key Principles section below allows you to better understand how each of the evaluation approaches apply each key principle. Click on the icons below that you would like to explore and a report will appear below that describes how each of the seven philosophies and approaches apply the principle. Note that some of the key principles are aligned with stages of the research cycle.

Click each shared principle to learn more

© 2022 SLP4i and The Colorado Trust, authored by Katrina Bledsoe, Felisa Gonzales, and Blanca Guillen-Woods. This work is protected by copyright laws. No permission is required for its non-commercial use, provided that the authors are credited and cited.

For full citation use: Bledsoe, K., Gonzales, F., & Guillen-Woods, B*. (2022). The Eval Matrix. Strategic Learning Partners for Innovation
*These authors contributed equally to this work with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and The Colorado Trust.

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